Choirs and musical programmes
Results and awards
Rules of the competition
Maribor in CFN and EGP
Previous competitions
15. mednarodno zborovsko tekmovanje Gallus − Maribor 2019 prirejata JSKD (Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnost) in Mestna občina Maribor, pripravlja in izvaja pa Organizacijski odbor 15. mednarodnega zborovskega tekmovanja. Na tekmovanju sodelujejo ljubiteljski pevski zbori in male pevske skupine (v nadaljevanju: zasedbe), ki so bili sprejeti na tekmovanje v skladu z razpisom.
Organisers of the 15th International Choral competition Gallus − Maribor 2019 are JSKD (Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities) and Municipal Community Maribor, while Organising Committee of the Competition prepares and executes the competition. Only those amateur choirs and vocal groups (from now on groups) can participate at the competition, which were selected according to the rules of application.
Tekmovanje bo od 12. do 14. aprila 2019 v Mariboru. Tekmujoče zasedbe so dolžne nastopiti v skladu s pogoji in omejitvami, navedenimi v razpisu tekmovanja. Zasedba, ki ob napovedanem času ne bo nastopila, bo izključena iz tekmovanja, razen če za to obstaja izjemno tehten razlog.
Competition will be held in Maribor from 12. do 14. April 2019. Competing groups are obliged to perform in accordance with application rules. Group that does not perform at scheduled time, will be excluded from the competition − except in a case of extremly sensible reason.
Tekmujoča zasedba je dolžna svoj tekmovalni program izvajati v zapisanem zaporedju. Le iz utemeljenih razlogov in ob predhodni najavi tajniku žirije (najmanj 2 uri pred začetkom tekmovalnega koncerta) lahko zbor spremeni vrstni red skladb.
Morebiten prekršek povzroči zmanjšanje poprečne ocene zbora za dve točki.
Competing groups must perform their program in the same order as is written in the brochure. Only in case of sensible reason and with preliminary announcement to the Secretary of the Jury (at least 2 hours before the competing concert) can group change the order of compositions on its program.
Offence against this rule diminishes group's average score for 2 points.
Sprememba intonacije obvezne priredbe slovenske ljudske skladbe ni dovoljena. Morebitne spremembe intonacije katerekoli druge skladbe mora zasedba najaviti tajniku žirije najpozneje do otvoritvenega koncerta.
Morebiten prekršek povzroči zmanjšanje poprečne ocene zbora za eno točko.
Modification of intonation is not allowed for compulsory Slovenian folk song arrangement. Eventual modifications of intonation for other compositions must be announced to the Secretary of the Jury at least until the opening concert.
Offence against this rule diminishes group's average score for 1 point.
Tekmujoča zasedba je dolžna izvesti svoj tekmovalni program v predpisani skupni minutaži.
Morebiten prekršek povzroči zmanjšanje poprečne ocene za eno točko za vsako začeto minuto prekoračitve (navzgor ali navzdol).
Competing group must perform its competiong program within prescribed time limits.
Offence against this rule diminishes group's average score for 1 point for each exceeding begun minute (shorter or longer performance).
Zasedba, katere tekmovalni nastop je bil zaradi zunanjih dejavnikov (močan hrup, izpad elektrike in podobno) prekinjen, ima pravico svoj tekmovalni nastop ponoviti v terminu, ki ga določi organizator.
Group, whose performace was interrupted by major force (disturbing noise, electric failure...), can repeat its competing performance at time that will be appointed by organisers.
Predsednika in štiri člane žirije imenuje Organizacijski odbor NP. Predsednik vodi delo žirije in jo zastopa pred javnostjo, pri ocenjevanju in glasovanju pa je enakopraven ostalim članom žirije. Organizacijski odbor imenuje tudi tajnika žirije, ki nima statusa ocenjevalca.
President and 4 members of the Jury are appointed by the organising committee of the competition. President leads the jury and represents the jury in public. He has equal rights as other members of the jury during adjudication and voting. Organising committee also appoints the secretary of the jury, who does not adjudicate competing choirs.
Žirija je samostojno delovno telo tekmovanja. Njene ocene so dokončne in nepreklicne.
Jury is independently acting body of the competition. Its decisions are final and irrevocable.
Kriteriji ocenjevanja so: tehnična pripravljenost zbora, tehtnost programa in prepričljivost izvedbe.
Jury will evaluate: technical prowess of each group, composition of selected program, artistic persuasiveness of the performance.
Vsak član žirije je dolžan v celoti prisostvovati vsem tekmovalnim nastopom zasedb. Pri ocenjevanju je samostojen in neodvisen. Vsako zasedbo oceni s številčno oceno do 100 točk; uporaba decimalk ni dovoljena. Številčno oceno zasedbe (na posebnem obrazcu) je dolžan oddati tajniku žirije neposredno po zaključku tekmovalnega koncerta.
Each member of the jury must be continually present during all competing performances of groups. He is independent and autonomous during adjudication. He must give numeric mark to each group (the highest mark is 100 points, fractions of points are not allowed). Members of the jury will give their marks to the secretary of the Jury immediately after the completion of each competition concert (on special form).
Vsak nastop zasedbe se ocenjuje posebej.
Each performace of individual group is adjudicated separatedly.
Na podlagi skupne povprečne ocene za izvedbo obveznega in prostega programa bo žirija izbrala zasedbe, ki bodo tekmovalie za veliko nagrado 15. mednarodnega zborovskega tekmovanja Gallus − Maribor 2019. Zaporedje nastopov bo določeno z javnim žrebom.
At most 5 groups with the highest average score from the compulsory and free program will qualify for the Grand Prix Competition. Jury will confirm selected groups. The sequence of groups will be drawn by lot in public.
Skupna številčna ocena zasedbe je poprečje dodeljenih ocen z vseh tekmovalnih koncertov. Skupna številčna ocena je podlaga za podelitev katerega od odličij in nagrad tekmovanja.
Summary numeric score is average of all received scores for each individual group. Summary numeric score is basis for awards and prizes of the competition.
O dodatnih nagradah in priznanjih odloča žirija na posebni seji po zadnjem tekmovalnem koncertu. Sklepe sprejema z večino glasov. Priznanja in nagrade bodo objavljene in podeljene na sklepni slavnosti.
Jury will award additional rewards and prizes at its special session after the last competing concert. Decisons for these awards are taken by majority of votes. Rewards and prizes will be announced at the final ceremony.
Skupne ocene zasedb bodo objavljene na razglasitvi rezultatov in nagrad, ki bo 14. aprila 2019.
Sumary numeric scores for all competing groups will be publicly announced at the final ceremony on 14th April 2019.
Veliko nagrado 15. Mednarodnega tekmovanja Gallus − Maribor 2019 dobi tista zasedba, ki ima najvišje povprečno število točk iz obveznega in prostega ter programa za veliko nagrado. Če ima več zasedb enako najvišje število točk dobi veliko nagrado tista, ki je bila bolje ocenjena v več kategorijah.
Grand Prix of the 15th International Choral Competition Gallus − Maribor 2019 will be awarded to the group with the highest average score from Compulsory, Free and GP concert. In case of more equal scores the group that gets more higher scores in different categories will be the winner.
Najboljša zasedba z najmanj 12 pevci 15. mednarodnega tekmovanja Gallus − Maribor 2019 se bo udeležila finala zmagovalcev zveze za veliko nagrado Evrope, ki bo prihodnje leto v Debrecenu na Madžarskem, upoštevajoč pravila EGP.
The best group of the 15th International Competition Gallus Maribor 2019 with at least 12 singers will take part at the finals of the European Grand Prix for Choral Singing 2020 in Debrecen, Hungary, according to the rules of EGP.
Vsak član žirije mora napisati vsaki zasedbi tudi komentar tekmovalnih nastopov. Oddati ga je dolžan tajniku žirije najpozneje do odhoda s tekmovanja; ta pa ga posreduje zasedbi in zborovodji.
Each member of the jury will write down his assessment of competing performances for all groups and deliver them to the secretary of the jury before the departure. Secretary will forward these assessments to choirs and their conductors.
Eventual complaints, excluding the jury's decisions, can be given to the director of the competition in written or oral form imediatedly after the end of the concert, during which occured the infringement.
Morebitne pritožbe, razen na oceno žirije, lahko zbor vloži − v pisni obliki ali ustno na zapisnik −direktorju tekmovanja, in to neposredno po koncu koncerta, na katerega se pritožba nanaša.
O pritožbi razpravlja in sklepa organizacijski odbor tekmovanja najpozneje v tridesetih dneh po koncu tekmovanja.
Complaints will be arbitrated by the organising committee not later than 30 days after the completion of the competition.
Ta poslovnik je sprejel Organizacijski odbor tekmovanja. Za tolmačenje je pristojen njegov predsednik.
These regulations of the competition were approved by the organising committeee. President of the organising committee is responsible for the interpretation of these regulations.
Dr. Andrej Fištravec,
predsednik organizacijskega odbora
President of the organising comitee