KONCERT ŠKOFJA LOKA, KAPELA LOŠKEGA GRADU SOBOTA, 5. SEPTEMBRA 2009, OB 20.URI Tadeja Pance, sopran, tamburin, činelce, kastanjete (1)
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Koncertni spored:
Anonymous: Alle, psallite cum, luya - Alleluya Anonymous: Bergamasca (consort lutenj z vihuelo) Slovenska ljudska: Riba Faronika Anonymous: Passamezzo antico & Romanesca (consort lutenj z vihuelo) Arabska muwašah: Lama bada jatathana Diego Pisador: Pauana muy llana para taner Alfonso X. El Sabio: Santa Maria strela do dia Diego Ortiz: Recercada primera (3-4, 6, 8, 10) Josquin des Prés/ Luys de Narváez: Mille Regrets Adrian Le Roy: Branle de Bourgogne Hans Judenkunig: Christ ist erstanden Anonymous: Passo e mezzo (consort lutenj z vihuelo) Judovski pesmi: Šalom alejhem & Hava nagilah Luys de Narváez: Diferencias sobre "Guardame las vacas" (9-10, consort lutenj) Anonymous: The Willow Song (1, 6) Anonymous: Cornetto (consort lutenj z vihuelo) Giacomo Gorzanis: La turturella Pitio Santucci: Se scior si vede il laccio (1, 6) Allesandro Piccinini: Chiaccona Mariona alla vera Spagnola (6, 10, consort lutenj) Luys de Narváez: Otras tres diferencias Anonymous: Alle, psallite cum, luya - Alleluya
Nova Schola Labacensis is a newborn Slovene lute ensemble, which bases its activity on studying Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque musical heritage but also performing more recent musical compositions. We could proudly name some of our forerunners who were active in the field of Early Music in our country: Giacomo Gorzanis, famous Renaissance lutenist from Trieste, Johannes Berthold Höffer, Baroque lutenist from Ljubljana and the founder of Academia Philharmonicorum Labacensis, Schola Labacensis, the first Slovene contemporary Early Music ensemble, especially its founder Janez Höfler, lutenists Primož Soban and Tomaž Šegula, and lutenist Pavel Šraj from Radovljica, who was also the first contemporary Slovene lutemaker. The members of the ensemble are students from lute department at Musical School Ljubljana Vič Rudnik under the artistic guidance of Slovene acknowledged lutenist, vihuelist and philosopher Boris Šinigoj. Our guests at this concert are soprano Tadeja Pance, expert in the field of ethnic and early music Janez Jocif on portative organ and medieval hammered dulcimer, violinist Tomaž Šinigoj and cellist Miha Šinigoj, both members of ethnic trio Vagantes.
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