A dance week with Ann Papoulis
Kdaj? / When? |
Kje? / Where? |
Kaj? / What? |
11.11.2024 |
Studio Kletka, Cankarjeva 5 |
IRIS MAP presentation (talk + video); free entrance |
12. - 14.11.2024 |
Studio Kletka, Cankarjeva 5 |
IRIS MAP workshop; 60 eur for three days |
13.11.2024 |
CUNNINGHAM dance class; 7 eur |
14.11.2024 9.00 – 10.30 |
CUNNINGHAM dance class; 7 eur |
15.11.2024 10.00 – 11.30 |
Španski borci - stage |
CUNNINGHAM dance class; free entrance for ŽIVA festival dancers |
15.11.2024 17.00 – 18.15 |
Španski borci - stage |
Dance of life – talk with video projection; free entrance |
Cunningham Technique
In this class you will learn the fundamentals of the Cunningham technique — comprehensive back & leg work centered in the pelvis. After the warm-up you will enhance your ability to use your energy to inhabit and dialogue with the space around you through an adagio, a phrase moving across the floor and jumps. Emphasis throughout the class is on focusing both the body and mind in order to unleash your physical power.
Cunningham Tehnika
Na tem klasu se boste naučili osnov tehnike Cunningham – celovito delo hrbta in nog s središčem v medenici. Po ogrevanju boste izboljšali sposobnost uporabe svoje energije za gibanje v prostoru okoli sebe in dialog z njim, skozi adagio - frazo, ki se premika skozi prostor in skokih. Poudarek celotnega klasa je na osredotočenju telesa in uma, da sprostite svojo fizično moč.
Liberating Imaginative Energies
This workshop is based on THE IRIS MAP, an original method that perceives the imagination as being comprised of 7 principle energy spaces. You will learn how to enter these energies through mind & body exercises, animal analogies, works of art, film. As you move through this richness inside of you, you will be given opportunities to generate your own movement, gestures, narratives, together with the other participants. The workshop is open to dancers, actors, musicians and beyond. No dance technique required.
Osvobajajoče domišljijske energije
Ta delavnica temelji na THE IRIS MAP, izvirni metodi, ki domišljijo dojema kot sestavljeno iz 7 osnovnih energijskih prostorov. Naučili se boste vstopiti v te energije skozi vaje za um in telo, živalske analogije, umetniška dela, film. Ko se premikate skozi to bogastvo v sebi, vam bodo dane priložnosti, da ustvarite svoje lastne gibe, geste, pripovedi, skupaj z drugimi udeleženci. Delavnica je namenjena plesalcem, igralcem, glasbenikom in več. Plesna tehnika ni potrebna.
Ann Papoulis is a visual and performing artist and an Imagination Activator. She began teaching at the Cunningham Studio in Manhattan at age 23 and has taught the technique and imagination workshops for dance and theater companies and schools throughout Europe and in the US, notably Opéra de Lyon, Anna Teresa de Keersmaeker, Angelin Preljocaj, Maguy Marin, Jean-Claude Gallotta. Her multimedia work was most recently presented at the Atelier de la Main d’Or in Paris and involved photographs, abstract films and dancing. Her performances have included solos and an opera she directed, composed and choreographed, that was a commission of the National House of Opera and Ballet in Ljubljana.
Ann Papoulis je vizualna in plesna umetnica ter aktivatorka domišljije. Pri 23 letih je začela poučevati v studiu Cunningham na Manhattnu in je poučevala tehnike in delavnice domišljije za plesne in gledališke družbe in šole po vsej Evropi in ZDA, predvsem Opéra de Lyon, Anna Teresa de Keersmaeker, Angelin Preljocaj, Maguy Marin, Jean-Claude Gallotta.
Njeno multimedijsko delo je bilo nazadnje predstavljeno v Atelier de la Main d'Or v Parizu in je vključevalo fotografije, abstraktne filme in ples. Njene predstave vključujejo samospeve in opero, ki jo je režirala, komponirala in koreografirala po naročilu Narodne hiše opere in baleta v Ljubljani.
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Nina MEŠKO producentka za ples