– Festival Lent 2023, June 20, 21, 22
The Open Dance Scene is a festival of contemporary dance art, where we seek intersections between younger and already established artists, between their conceptually and expressively diverse performances that convince, inspire and culturally enrich the audience. It is a dance platform for networking dance creativity, originality, boldness, and successful international integration. This year, the main focus is on young dance talents, on the young generation of dance makers who, despite their youth, impress with their creative and performative maturity..
"Dance is the Hidden Language of the Soul" Martha Graham.
20. 6. 2023, at 20.00, Maribor Puppet Theatre, Great Hall
Award-winning dancers of short dance pieces at the OPUS 1 National Competition of Young Dance Creators:
ICE SNOWFLAKE, Pia Zabukovšek – mentor Vanja Kolanovič

THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE AIR, Dora Domjanić – mentor Dalanda Diallo & Vanja Kolanovič

DANCE ITSELF, Matija Bračko – mentor Dalanda Diallo & Vanja Kolanovič

MUSCLE, BONE AND SKIN, Ian Hotko – mentor Gašper Kunšek

TANGO, Varja Golec Horvat, Maruša Jovanović – mentor Petja Golec Horvat

A DIFFERENT MUSE, Maja Voglar Rodošek – mentor April Veselko

JUST NOW, Petja Golec Horvat – mentor Toni Soprano Meneglejte
ENSO, Rea Vogrin – mentor Gašper Kunšek

FALLING IN…, April Veselko

Photo: Anka Simončič
The event presents young dance talents who create original choreographies and impress the audience and jury members with the immediacy and richness of their short dance pieces.
a dance performance

Choreography: Dalanda Diallo
Co-creation and dance: Urška Kramberger, Pika Majcen, Jera Musil, Neža Lampret, Luka Oblak, Vita Pavšič, Špela Pehant, Eva Peklar, Maja Voglar Rodošek
Production: Plesna izba Maribor

Even if we speak the same language, each individual translates each message into their internal language, consisting of their experiences, perceptions, interests, feelings, and cognitive processes. Thus, the translation is at best only an echo of the essence.
" We are islands shouting lies to each other across seas of misunderstanding." Rudyard Kipling
21. 6. 2023, at 20.00, Maribor Puppet Theatre, Great Hall
a premier dance performance

Choreography: April Veselko and dancers
Dancers and co-creators: Pika Majcen, Mija Marušič, Jera Musil, Luka Oblak, Vita Pavšič, Eva Peklar, Maja Voglar Rodošek in gostujoči plesalci Sodobne 3A in 3B and guest dancers Contemporary 3A and 3B: Bina Čič, Ajda Čuš, Urška Kramberger, Neža Lampret, Deborah Iris Ačko Pušnik
Production: Plesna izba Maribor

The performance deals with the theme of loneliness and isolation in contrast to the feeling of connection, touch, and acceptance.
Studio za svobodni ples
a dance performance

Mentor and choreographer: Urša Rupnik
Dancers and co-creators: Katarina Bogataj, Dijana Džamastagić, Vanja Kolanovič, Katja Kučina, Kaja Marion Ribnikar, Hana Murovec, Anja Spasovski, Nadja Spasovski, Sara Stadler, Maja Maša Šömen, Ina Trefalt, Nika Zidar
Original music: David Kocmur, David Nik Lipovac
Production: Studio za svobodni ples, Ljubljana

...let's stop for a moment and listen to the Song of the Setting Sun:
White fluffy feathers/rise/under the setting sun/along the endless edge of the world. /The white mountain, which lies far to the west,/rises immeasurably beautiful. /Her white-shining cascades of light/flow towards the earth.
Sredi zemlje stojim (1968), Mladinska knjiga v Ljubljani
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ursusdancers
IG: https://www.instagram.com/ursusdancers/
HABITAT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FFbJdHVZ4E&ab_channel=UrsusDancers
DRUGA PRIHODNOST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GT-zKhLga4&ab_channel=Ur%C5%A1aRupnik
22. 6. 2023, at 19.00, Maribor Puppet Theatre, Small Hall

In the evening of dance films, we gathered some authors who in the past years approached the medium of dance through a film lens in a unique way. The topics range from exploring the body's relationship with nature, the layered essence of viewing, the weaving of relationships through space, the question of nothingness and expression through singing, movement and speech, and movement-sound improvisational images.
Expert selection of films: Snježana Premuš
1. GAEA - Aja Zupanec in Iza Skok (9 min 25 s)
2. INFUSION WITH MYSELF - Žigan Krajnčan in Borut Bučinel (4 min 30 s)
3. POSEBNA IZDAJA - Andreja Podrzavnik (6 min)
4. PERMANENT EXHIBITION OF NOWNESS – Kolektiv Federacija & Vid Hajnšek (16min)
5. TOUCH TISSUE TEXTURE – Anja Bornšek, Snježana Premuš, Hana Vodeb (8min)
(free entry)
Production and realization:
Festival Lent, Narodni dom Maribor, Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities (JSKD), Maribor Puppet Theatre
Executive production: JSKD, Minka Veselič Kološa
Tickets: 5,00 €, at the info office of Narodni dom Maribor and one hour before the scheduled event
Information office: Narodni dom Maribor, Kneza Koclja 9, +386 31 479 000, +386 2 229 40 50
E-mail: vstopnice@nd-mb.si
Website: www.festival-lent.si
· Facebook: @festivallent https://www.facebook.com/festivallent
· Instagram: @festival_lent https://www.instagram.com/festival_lent/
· YouTube: @LentFestivalMaribor https://www.youtube.com/user/LentFestivalMaribor