Poletna plesna šola

POLETNA PLESNA ŠOLA – Summer Dance School - SDS 2024
Ljubljana, 1. – 6. julij 2024




Nohemi Barriuso: CONTEMPORARY RELEASE BASED, level ll

Nohemi Barriuso: IMPROVISATION, level lll

William Crowley: JOGA / YOGA

William Crowley: GRAHAM, level ll

Ryuzo Fukuhara: BUTOH, level ll

Alicia Ocadiz: SODOBNA / CONTEMPORARY, level l

Alicia Ocadiz: FUSION, level ll

Luka Ostrež: NAVZOČE TELO (sodobni ples) / PRESENT BODY (contemporary), level l

Luka Ostrež: NAVZOČE TELO / PRESENT BODY, level ll

Ann Papoulis: CUNNINGHAM, level lll

Ann Papoulis: IRIS WORKSHOP, level lll

Marija Slavec: GAGA, level lll

Claudia Sovre: BALET / BALLET; level ll


Milan Tomášik: POETIČNO TELO / POETIC BODY (Research cycle NEST), level lll

Renato Zanella: BALET / BALLET; level lll


Katjuša & Nikola: NINJABILITY: level II

I  BASIC: plesno predznanje ni potrebno  / dance knowledge is not necessary                                             
II INTERMEDIATE: osnovno plesno znanje potrebno / basic dance skills are necessary
III ADVANCED: visok nivo plesnega znanja / high level of dance knowledge

Nivo I je priporočljiv za začetnike in plesalce do 14 let. Za nivo ll je najnižja starost 15 let, za nivo III pa 18 let. Kjer nivo ni naveden, ni omejitev. /
Level I is recommended for beginners and dancers up to 14 years old. The minimum age for level ll is 15 years, and for level III 18 years. Where no level is listed, there is no limit.




Delavnica bo potekala v slovenščini. / The workshop is going to be in Slovenian.

Kristina Aleksova


BALET  I / BALLET  I (10 – 14 let)
Kristina Aleksova

Baletni klas je namenjen učenkam/cem baleta, ki imajo osnovno baletno znanje in so seznanjeni z osnovnimi baletnimi pojmi. Klas sestavljajo začetne vaje za koordinacijo, moč in gibljivost, temu sledijo vaje pri drogu in sredini. Posvetili se bomo poglabljanju znanja in spretnosti izvajanja baletne tehnike, ter povezovanju posameznih elementov v kompleksnejše baletne kombinacije.
Klas je primeren za učenke/ce od 10 do 14 let, težavnost pa bo prilagojena prijavljenim kandidatkam/om.
Delavnica bo potekala v slovenščini.

The ballet class is for ballet students who have a basic knowledge of ballet and are familiar with basic ballet concepts. The class consists of initial exercises for coordination, strength and flexibility, followed by exercises in the barre and centre. We will focus on deepening the knowledge and skills of ballet technique, and integrating individual elements into ballet combinations.
The class is suitable for students aged 10-14 years and the difficulty level will be adapted to the registered candidates.
The workshop will be held in Slovene.


Kristina Aleksova

Na baletni delavnici, ki bo sledila baletnemu klasu BALET I, bomo spoznavali različne baletne stile (romantični, klasični, sodobni, itd.) in se skozi učenje krajših baletnih koreografij seznanili s osnovnimi značilnostmi vsakega od njih. Poleg tega bo mentorica udeleženke/ce vodila skozi proces sestavljanja avtorske koreografije, kjer bodo lahko ustvarili svoja lastna krajša koreografska dela.
Primerno za dekleta in fante od 10 do 14 let.

In the ballet workshop, after ballet class BALET I,  we will learn about different ballet styles (romantic, classical, contemporary, etc.) and through learning short ballet choreographies we will be introduced to the basic characteristics of each of them. Afterwards, the tutor will guide the participants through the process of composing an original choreography, where they will be able to create their own short choreographic works.
Suitable for girls and boys from 10 to 14 years old.



Po končani Srednji glasbeni in baletni šoli je leta 2002 postala članica baletnega ansambla SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana, sprva kot članica baletnega zbora, nato pa baletnega solo zbora. V sezoni 2013/2014 se je pridružila baletnemu ansamblu graške opere. Za ljubljanski baletni ansambel je ustvarila dve avtorski deli; Otroci z roba resničnosti ter Globina (po)gleda. Od leta 2017 deluje kot samostojna umetnica na področju sodobnih performativnih praks. Pod okriljem organizacij Via Negativa in Zavoda Sploh je ustvarila več samostojnih del in sodelovala v projektih drugih uveljavljenih avtorjev. Zaključila je študij baleta na Višji baletni šoli Konservatorija za glasbo in balet v Ljubljani in končuje program Akademije za ples Alma Mater Europaea. Balet je poučevala v plesnih šolah Pirueta, Intakt in Akademiji za ples Alma Mater, ter programu Praktikum sodobne plesne umetnosti. Trenutno poučuje balet na Glasbeni šoli Koper in je gostujoča pedagoginja En-Knap Group.

 After graduating from the Secondary School of Music and Ballet in 2002, she became a member of the ballet ensemble SNG Opera and Ballet Ljubljana, first as a member of the ballet choir and then as a member of the ballet solo choir. In the 2013/2014 season she joined the ballet ensemble of Oper Graz. She has created two choreographic works for the Ljubljana Ballet Ensemble; Children from the Edge of Reality and How deep is your (w)hole.
Since 2017 she has been working as a freelance artist in the field of contemporary performance practices. Under the auspices of Via Negativa and Sploh, she has created several solo works and participated in projects by other established artists. She has studied ballet at the Ballet College of Conservatory of Music and Ballet Ljubljana and is finishing her studies at the Academy of Dance Alma Mater Europaea. She has taught ballet at the dance schools Pirueta, Intakt and the Academy of Dance, as well as in the program Praktikum of Contemporary Dance Art. Currently she teaches ballet at the Koper Music School and is a guest teacher at En- Knap Group.

Nohemi Barriuso: CONTEMPORARY RELEASE BASED, level ll

Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini. / The workshop is going to be in English.

Nohemi Barriuso

Contemporary Technique- release based
Klas vključuje elemente sodobnega plesa, sprostitveno tehniko in delo na tleh ter se začne s prebujanjem telesa in uma, ki nas popelje v gibanje. Vaje in fraze gibanja se osredotočajo na poravnavo in ravnotežje, s krepitvijo in raztezanjem ter spodbujajo zaporedne prehode s posebnim poudarkom na telesnosti sklepov. Bolj dinamična zaporedja gibanja po tleh poudarjajo uporabo teže, zagona in dinamike za povečanje učinkovitosti in veselja do gibanja. Improvizacijske naloge so namenjene širjenju percepcije in zavedanja telesa v odnosu do gibanja, prostora, glasbe, nas samih in drugih plesalcev.

Nohemi Barriuso de la Peña je plesalka/performerka in oblikovalka iz Španije. Ima magisterij iz plesa na Državni univerzi v New Yorku (Purchase), diplomo iz plesa na Lewisham College v Londonu in B.A. iz modnega oblikovanja na Politehnični univerzi v Madridu. Z improvizacijo se je srečala pod vodstvom K.J. Holmes, Katie Niehoff in Kirstie Simson. Z leti je nadaljevala s svojo prakso in sodelovala na mednarodnih festivalih kontaktne improvizacije (CI). Dolga leta je živela v New Yorku in nastopala s Shen Wei Dance Arts ter bila ustanovna članica Deganit Shemy & Company. Plesala je tudi dela Trishe Brown, Marka Morrisa, Nelly van Bommel, Juliana Barnetta, Kazuka Hirabayashija in na projektih Rosemary Lee v Londonu; Ayako Kurakake v Kjotu; in Sol Pico Compañía de Danza v Madridu, med drugim. Po preselitvi v Bruselj je sodelovala z gledališkim režiserjem Vitalom Shraenenom pri ustvarjanju multidisciplinarnih dogodkov/predstav za različne festivale v Belgiji. Trenutno živi v Ljubljani, kamor se je preselila, da bi se pridružila skupini En-Knap kot direktorica vaj, še naprej nastopa, ustvarja in poučuje ples in improvizacijo kot samostojna umetnica.

Contemporary Technique- release based
Incorporating elements of contemporary dance, release technique and floor work, the class starts by awakening body and mind to ease us into motion. Exercises and movement phrases focus on alignment and balance, by strengthening and stretching, as well as encourage sequential transitions with special attention to joint-articulated physicality. More dynamic movement sequences accross the floor emphasize the use of weight, momentum, and dynamics to maximize efficiency and joy in movement. Improvisational tasks aim at expanding perception and body awareness in relationship to motion, space, music, ourselves, and other dancers.

Nohemi Barriuso de la Peña is a dancer/ performer and designer from Spain. She holds a Master in Dance by the State University of New York (Purchase), a Diploma in Dance by Lewisham College in London, and a B.A. in Fashion Design by the Polytechnic University of Madrid. She came in contact with improvisation under the guidance of K.J. Holmes, Katie Niehoff and Kirstie Simson. Over the years, she has continue its practice and has participated in international Contact Improvisation (CI) festivals. She lived for many years in New York and performed with Shen Wei Dance Arts and was a founder member of Deganit Shemy & Company. She also danced works by Trisha Brown, Mark Morris, Nelly van Bommel, Julian Barnett, Kazuko Hirabayashi, and on projects by Rosemary Lee in London; Ayako Kurakake in Kyoto; and Sol Pico Compañía de Danza in Madrid, among others. Upon relocating to Brussels, she collaborated with theatre director Vital Shraenen in the creation of multi-disciplinary events/ performances for diverse festivals in Belgium. Currently based in Ljubljana, where she moved to join En-Knap Group as Rehearsal Director, she continues to perform, create, and teach dance and improvisation as independent artist.


Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini. / The workshop is going to be in English.


Contact&Improvisation raziskuje komunikacijo med telesi, ki so vključena v fizični stik, in dinamično medsebojno igro gravitacije in zagona v prostoru. S poudarkom na načelih kontaktne improvizacije, kot sta aktivno poslušanje in subtilnost dotika, širi fizično zavedanje, medtem ko raziskuje veselje in neskončne možnosti gibanja. Namen vaj je razčleniti mehaniko in pridobiti bistvene veščine pri delitvi teže, kotaljenju, padanju, dvigovanju itd. Ta delavnica predstavlja prostor za igrivo raziskovanje, kjer se opazovanje in razprava vključita v prakso. Pridite z radovednostjo in željo po gibanju.

Za dodatno varnost in udobje so priporočljivi ščitniki za kolena.

Contact&Improvisation explores the communication between bodies engaged in physical contact and the dynamic interplay of gravity and momentum in space. Emphasizing principles of contact improvisation like active listening and subtleties of touch, the class expands physical awareness while exploring the joy and endless possibilities of movement. Exercises aim at breaking down the mechanics and providing essential skills in weight sharing, counterbalance, rolling, falling, lifting, and more. This class is a space for playful exploration, where observation and discussion integrate into the practice. Come with curiosity and eagerness to move – knee pads are recommended for added safety and comfort.

William Crowley: JOGA / YOGA

Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini. / The workshop is going to be in English.

William Crowley


Močna joga

Skozi serijo tradicionalnih položajev joge, ki se izvajajo na strog in ponavljajoč način, bodo učenci lahko izboljšali moč, prožnost, koordinacijo in obseg gibanja. Ta klas se osredotoča na centriranje, poravnavo, namestitev in dinamično gibanje, v povezavi s pravilnim nadzorovanjem dihanja.

Power Yoga
Through a series of traditional yoga poses, practiced in a rigorous and repetitive manner, students will be able to improve strength, flexibility, coordination, and range of motion.  This class focuses on centering, alignment, placement, and dynamic movement in relation to proper breath control.

William Crowley: GRAHAM, level ll

Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini. / The workshop is going to be in English.

Graham Technique

Na tem klasu se bodo udeleženci seznanili z Graham tehniko, njenim osnovnim principom »krčenja in sproščanja« ter koristnim znanjem, ki izhaja iz zavedanja lastnega središča in osrednje moči. Struktura klasa je sestavljena iz dela na tleh, stoje v sredini in potujočih vaj. Udeleženci se bodo tudi naučili nekaj stavkov izvirne Graham koreografije.

William Charles Crowley je magistriral iz plesa na Univerzi v Michiganu. Dodatno se je plesno izobraževal na šoli sodobnega plesa Marthe Graham v New Yorku. Na začetku svoje plesne kariere je imel William pod vodstvom Petra Sparlinga posebno čast nastopiti v glavni vlogi v mojstrovini Marthe Graham iz leta 1940, El Penitente. Marca 2012 se je udeležil osvežitvenega tečaja tehnike Graham v New Yorku, kjer se je zbralo 25 inštruktorjev iz Združenih držav Amerike, Anglije, Francije in Grčije, da bi analizirali, razpravljali in razpravljali o tem, kako najbolje ohraniti Grahamovo tehniko za prihodnje generacije. Trenutno William poučuje po Združenih državah, Karibih in Evropi, vključno z Belgijo, Hrvaško, Francijo, Portugalsko, Slovenijo, Španijo in Združenim kraljestvom. Je umetniški direktor Still Point Productions, sodobne plesne družbe s sedežem v Miamiju, FL.


Graham Technique
This class introduces students to the Graham Technique, its basic principle of “contraction and release”, and the beneficial knowledge that comes from the awareness of one’s own center and core strength. The structure of the class is composed of floor work, standing center work, and traveling exercises. Students will also be exposed to learning phrases of original choreography.

William Charles Crowley, received his MFA in Dance from the University of Michigan. He received additional dance training while on scholarship at the Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance in NYC. Early in his dance career, under the direction of Peter Sparling, William had the distinct honor of performing the title role in Martha Graham’s 1940 masterwork, El Penitente. In March 2012, he attended the Graham Technique Refresher Course in NYC, where 25 instructors from the United States, England, France, and Greece came together to analyze, discuss, and debate how to best preserve the Graham Technique for future generations. Currently, William teaches throughout the United States, Caribbean, and Europe, including Belgium, Croatia, France, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and the United Kingdom. He is the Artistic Director of Still Point Productions, a contemporary dance company based in Miami, FL. 

Ryuzo Fukuhara: BUTOH, level ll

Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini. / The workshop is going to be in English.

Ryuzo Fukuhara

Butoh plesna delavnica Tihi dialog, ki odpira celostni odnos med duhom in telesom, domišljijo in zaznavo, gibanjem in mislijo, bivanjem in okoljem ter temelji na Butoh plesu. Skozi notranji pogled bomo glede na svoja čutenja in misli vzpostavili tih dialog s sabo, svojim plesom. Spoznali bomo vaje, ki temeljijo na Noguchijevi gimnastiki, jogi. So uglašene z varnimi mejami telesa in duha vsakega posameznika ter služijo k sprošeni pripravi telesa na plesna sola, duete in skupinska soustvarjanja, ki sledijo v drugem delu vsake delavnice.
Oblačila naj bodo lahka, prinesite mehko podlago in vodo.

Ryuzo Fukuhara, v Sloveniji živeči Japonec, dobitnik nagrad in akademski profesor plesa, ki deluje po vsej Evropi, Aziji in Ameriki prisrčno vabi vse ljudi, ki vas zanima ples, uprizoritvena umetnost in bivanje v soustvarjanju.

Worksho Silent Dialogue is based on Butoh dance and aims to create an enhanced relationship between physical movement and the imagination. Fukuhara supports participants in finding their own movements and exploring their unique relationship between mind and body. You will also gain a finer understanding of the possibilities of synchronizing body and mind, experience in transforming your ideas into physical movements.
Wear comfortable, loose clothing, bring a yoga mat or blanket to use for stretching exercises & water.

Ryuzo Fukuhara is a Japanese dancer, living in Slovenia, he has been receiving several awards and is performing and teaching throughout Europe, Asia and America. 
Ryuzo Fukuhara graduated from the Nagoya University of Arts in Japan in 1989, where he majored in Experimental Design. During his studies he began to dance with two important Butoh dancers, Semi-Maru from Sankaijuku and Min Tanaka, from whom he learned his Butohtechnique. In 2000 he started to work as a dance artist in Europe. During his residency in Europe, Ryuzo developed his own dance method and in 2006 he was awarded the 2nd prize at the solo dance contest in 11MASDANZA - the International Contemporary Dance Festival in the Canary Islands, Spain. In 2010 he was invited to teach a dance master class at <Arsenaledella Danza> directed by Ismael Ivo at La Biennale di Veneziain Italy. In the same year, Ryuzo was awarded the Status of the Independent Cultural Workers from Ministry of Culture in Slovenia. In September 2016, he was invited as a guest lecturer at the post graduate theatre course and dance master class in Towson University, USA. 
Ryuzo has been teaching Butoh dance at the faculty of Arts in the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia since 2013.;;

Alicia Ocadiz: SODOBNA / CONTEMPORARY, level l

Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini. / The workshop is going to be in English.

Alicia Ocadiz

Sodobni ples l
Ta klas je zasnovan posebej za mlade plesalce in predstavlja mešanico sprostitve, nizkega letenja, akrobatike in lastnega raziskovanja. Klas bi udeležencem omogočil izboljšanje tehničnih in interpretativnih vidikov, njihove prostorske zavesti in timskega dela.

Alicia Ocadiz je magistrirala iz plesnih in gibalnih umetnosti na Universitat Catolica de San Antonio de Murcia v Španiji, Diplomirala je na Escuela Nacional de Danza Clasica y Contemporanea v Mexico City-ju. Med drugimi je študirala na Rotterdam Dance Academy (CODARTS) in na Beijing International Arts School v Pekingu na Kitajskem. V svoji karieri je nastopala kot plesalka, koreografinja in cirkuška umetnica na različnih odrih, gledališčih in festivalih v državah kot so Mehika, Nizozemska, Francija, Nemčija, Slovenija, Kitajska, Panama, Kostarika, Indonezija in Španija. Bila je tudi članica neodvisnih plesalskih skupin 2Move Dance Company (Nizozemska), Les Yeux Roulant (Francija), Foco al Aire Producciones (Mehika), Ashley Meeder Movement Project (ZDA), Cirkus Kansky (Slovenija). Leta 2009 je prejela nagrado za mlade umetnike mesta Mexico City, leta 2010 pa nagrado Niewe Maan v Rotterdamu. Kot plesalka v plesni predstavi El Magico Teatro de la Muerte (režija Raul Tamez) je tudi dobitnica prestižne Mehiške državne plesne nagrade Guillermo Arriaga. Od 2018 Alicija živi v Sloveniji, kjer je v produkciji Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana koreografira in pleše.

Contemporary Dance I
This class is designed especially for young dancers, it proposes a mix of release, flying low, acrobatics and own explorations. The class will provide students with the possibility of improving technical and interpretive aspects, their spatial awareness and teamwork.

Alicia Ocadiz has a master's degree in dance and movement arts from the Universitat Catolica de San Antonio de Murcia in Spain. She graduated from the Escuela Nacional de Danza Clasica y Contemporanea in Mexico City. Among others, she studied at the Rotterdam Dance Academy (CODARTS) and the Beijing International Arts School in Beijing, China. During her career, she performed as a dancer, choreographer and circus artist on various stages, theaters and festivals in countries such as Mexico, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Slovenia, China, Panama, Costa Rica, Indonesia and Spain. She was also a member of the independent dance groups 2Move Dance Company (Netherlands), Les Yeux Roulant (France), Foco al Aire Producciones (Mexico), Ashley Meeder Movement Project (USA), Cirkus Kansky (Slovenia). In 2009, she received the Mexico City Young Artist Award, and in 2010, the Niewe Maan Award in Rotterdam. As a dancer in the dance show El Magico Teatro de la Muerte (directed by Raul Tamez), she is also the winner of the prestigious Mexican National Dance Award Guillermo Arriaga. Since 2018, Alicija has been living in Slovenia, where she choreographed and danced some performances in the production of the Ljubljana Dance Theater.

Alicia Ocadiz: FUSION, level ll

Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini. / The workshop is going to be in English.

Fuzija latinsko-sodobna
Zabavajmo se! Predstavljajte si latinskoameriško zabavo, kjer je vzdušje sproščeno, praznično, vsi plešejo in uživajo, nihče noče plesati, da bi izgledal dobro, želi se le prepustiti svojemu telesu, da uživa in je svobodno. Ta tečaj se osredotoča na vnos latinskega duha s posebnim pridihom, elementi sodobnega plesa bodo poskrbeli, da bo imel tečaj še več ritma in okusa!

Fusion latin-contemporary
Let's have fun! Imagine a Latin American party, where the atmosphere is relaxed, festive, everyone dances and enjoys, no one wants to dance to look good, they just want to let their body enjoy and be free. This class focuses on bringing the Latin spirit with a very special touch, elements of contemporary dance will make the class have even more rhythm and flavor!

Luka Ostrež: NAVZOČE TELO (sodobni ples) / PRESENT BODY (contemporary), level l

Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini in slovenščini. / The workshop is going to be in English and Slovenian.

 Luka Ostrež, foto Jaka Varmuž
foto Jaka Varmuž

Luka Ostrež: NAVZOČE TELO (sodobni ples) / PRESENT BODY (contemporary), level ll

Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini in slovenščini. / The workshop is going to be in English and Slovenian.

Na plesnem klasu Navzoče telo se bomo ukvarjali z orientacijo telesa v prostoru ter orientacijo telesa v telesu samem, ozaveščali okolico ter druge soustvarjalce v prostoru. Raziskovali bomo osnovne kinestetične gibljivosti telesa ter iskali podobnosti giba v navezi z našim vsakdanom. Izvajali bomo gibalni frazem, ki temelji na centralizaciji telesa, izgovorjavi giba, ekstenziji in kompresiji telesa, razvijali odnos s tlemi ter se poigravali s težnostjo.

Luka Ostrež je diplomiral na Zürich University of the Arts in se praktično usposabljal v nemški plesni kompaniji Osnabrück Theatre. Trenutno je samozaposlen v kulturi kot koreograf, pedagog, mentor, performer in plesalec. Je član plesno-gledališkega ansambla Balkan Dance Project, SNG Maribor (k. g.), izvajalec, avtor, soavtor plesno-performativnih predstav doma in v tujini. Na festivalu FKM Beograd 2021 je bil prejemnik 1.nagrade "Doomsday". Do sedaj je sodeloval z  umetniki: Urša Rupnik, Vita Osojnik,  Rosana Hribar, Edhem Jesenković, Daša Grgič, Edward Clug, Igor Sviderski, Maša Kagao Knez, Barak Marshall, Ihsan Rustem, Emanuel Gat, Emanuele Soavi, Lorand Zachar, Itzik Galili, Anabelle Lopez Ochoa, Michael Schumacher, Davidson Farias, Monster Chetwynd, Jasmin Morand, Mauro de Candia, Samir Calixto, Cathy Sharp, Kevin Richmond, Denise Lampart...
Ples je poučeval na Alma Mater - Akademija za ples Ljubljana, Institut za umetničku igru Beograd, Dancs Piran, IGEN hiša plesa, Kazina...


In the dance class Present body, we will deal with the orientation of the body in space and the orientation of the body in the body itself, raising awareness of the surroundings and other co-creators in the space. We will explore the basic kinesthetic movements of the body and look for similarities of movement in connection with our everyday life. We will perform a movement phrase based on the centralization of the body, pronunciation of the movement, extension and compression of the body, develop a relationship with the floor and play with gravity.

Luka Ostrež graduated from Zurich University of the Arts and received practical training at the German dance company Osnabrück Theatre. He is currently self-employed in culture as a choreographer, pedagogue, mentor, performer and dancer. He is a member of the dance-theater ensemble Balkan Dance Project, SNG Maribor (k. g.), performer, author, co-author of dance-performative shows at home and abroad. He was the recipient of the 1st prize "Doomsday" at the FKM Belgrade 2021 festival. So far, he has collaborated with artists: Urša Rupnik, Vita Osojnik, Rosana Hribar, Edhem Jesenkovic, Daša Grgič, Edward Clug, Igor Sviderski, Maša Kagao Knez, Barak Marshall, Ihsan Rustem, Emanuel Gat, Emanuele Soavi, Lorand Zachar, Itzik Galili, Anabelle Lopez Ochoa, Michael Schumacher, Davidson Farias, Monster Chetwynd, Jasmin Morand, Mauro de Candia, Samir Calixto, Cathy Sharp, Kevin Richmond, Denise Lampart... He taught dance at Alma Mater - Academy of Dance Ljubljana, Institute for Artistic Dance Belgrade, Dancs Piran, IGEN House of Dance, Kazina...

Ann Papoulis: CUNNINGHAM, level lll

Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini. / The workshop is going to be in English.

Ann Papoulis

Cunningham Tehnika

Na tem klasu se boste naučili osnov tehnike Cunningham – celovito delo hrbta in nog s središčem v medenici. Po ogrevanju boste izboljšali sposobnost uporabe svoje energije za gibanje v prostoru okoli sebe in dialog z njim, skozi adagio -  frazo, ki se premika skozi prostor in skokih. Poudarek celotnega klasa je na osredotočenju telesa in uma, da sprostite svojo fizično moč.

Ann Papoulis je vizualna in plesna umetnica ter aktivatorka domišljije. Pri 23 letih je začela poučevati v studiu Cunningham na Manhattnu in je poučevala tehnike in delavnice domišljije za plesne in gledališke družbe in šole po vsej Evropi in ZDA, predvsem Opéra de Lyon, Anna Teresa de Keersmaeker, Angelin Preljocaj, Maguy Marin, Jean-Claude Gallotta.

Njeno multimedijsko delo je bilo nazadnje predstavljeno v Atelier de la Main d'Or v Parizu in je vključevalo fotografije, abstraktne filme in ples. 2-minutni odlomek: POTEVANJE PO NEZNANEM - YouTube. Njene predstave vključujejo samospeve in opero, ki jo je režirala, komponirala in koreografirala po naročilu Narodne hiše opere in baleta v Ljubljani. / about ANN PAPOULIS (

Cunningham Technique
In this class you will learn the fundamentals of the Cunningham technique — comprehensive back & leg work centered in the pelvis. After the warm-up you will enhance your ability to use your energy to inhabit and dialogue with the space around you through an adagio, a phrase moving across the floor and jumps. Emphasis throughout the class is on focusing both the body and mind in order to unleash your physical power.

Ann Papoulis is a visual and performing artist and an Imagination Activator. She began teaching at the Cunningham Studio in Manhattan at age 23 and has taught the technique and imagination workshops for dance and theater companies and schools throughout Europe and in the US, notably Opéra de Lyon, Anna Teresa de Keersmaeker, Angelin Preljocaj, Maguy Marin, Jean-Claude Gallotta.
Her multimedia work was most recently presented at the Atelier de la Main d’Or in Paris and involved photographs, abstract films and dancing. 2 minute excerpts: WANDERING THE UNKNOWN - YouTube. Her performances have included solos and an opera she directed, composed and choreographed, that was a commission of the National House of Opera and Ballet in Ljubljana. / about ANN PAPOULIS (

Ann Papoulis: IRIS WORKSHOP, level lll

Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini. / The workshop is going to be in English.


Osvobajajoče domišljijske energije

Ta delavnica temelji na THE IRIS MAP, izvirni metodi, ki domišljijo dojema kot sestavljeno iz 7 osnovnih energijskih prostorov. Naučili se boste vstopiti v te energije skozi vaje za um in telo, živalske analogije, umetniška dela, film. Ko se premikate skozi to bogastvo v sebi, vam bodo dane priložnosti, da ustvarite svoje lastne gibe, geste, pripovedi, skupaj z drugimi udeleženci. Za 2-minutno predstavitev metode kliknite tukaj: Osvobajanje imaginativnih energij.

Delavnica je namenjena plesalcem, igralcem, glasbenikom in več. Plesna tehnika ni potrebna.

Liberating Imaginative Energies
This workshop is based on THE IRIS MAP, an original method that perceives the imagination as being comprised of 7 principle energy spaces. You will learn how to enter these energies through mind & body exercises, animal analogies, works of art, film. As you move through this richness inside of you, you will be given opportunities to generate your own movement, gestures, narratives, together with the other participants. For a 2 minute presentation of the method click here: Liberating Imaginative Energies.
The workshop is open to dancers, actors, musicians and beyond. No dance technique required.

Marija Slavec: GAGA, level lll

Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini. / The workshop is going to be in English.

Marija Slavec

Gaga je gibalni jezik, ki ga je Ohad Naharin razvijal dolga leta, vzporedno s svojim delom kot koreograf in nekdanji umetniški vodja Batsheva Dance Company. Ure Gage temeljijo na globoki aktivaciji telesa in fizičnih občutkov. Navodila so uporabljena za povečanje zavedanja in dodatno krepitev občutkov, in namesto da bi eno navodilo/informacija sledilo drugemu, si informacije sledijo v plasteh in sestavljajo več čutno, fizično zahtevno izkušnjo. Medtem ko je veliko navodil prežetih z bogatimi podobami, je raziskovanje Gage v osnovi fizično in vztraja pri specifičnem procesu utelešenja. Gaga ponuja okvir za krepitev telesa ter dodajanje prožnosti, vzdržljivosti, agilnosti in spretnosti, vključno s koordinacijo in učinkovitostjo, hkrati pa spodbuja čute in domišljijo. Ura Gage za plesalce so odprte za profesionalne plesalce ali  študente plesa 16+. Ura traja od ene do ene ure in petnajst minut.

Marija Slavec je rojena v Sloveniji, kjer je svoje prvo plesno znanje nabirala pri Siniši Bukincu, Kristini De Ventus in Kjari Starič Wurst, ki so jo temeljito izoblikovali kot plesalko. Dve leti je bila del D.A.N.C.E. (Evropski interdisciplinarni strokovni program) pod umetniškim vodstvom Frédérica Flamanda, Williama Forsytheja, Wayna McGregorja in Angelina Preljocaja. Leta 2010 se je pridružila ansamblu Batsheva, kjer je plesala v predstavah Ohada Naharina in Sharon Eyal. Nato se je leta 2012 pridružila Vertigo Dance Company, kjer je bila del kreativnega procesa predstav Noe Wertheim, Sharona Fridmana in Anne Halprin. Do nedavnega je bila del Tanzmainza, kjer je dobila priložnost delati z različnimi koreografi, vključno z Royem Assafom, Guyem Naderjem in Mario Campos, Roni Haver in Guyem Weizmanom, Victorjem Quijado in Sharon Eyal. Od leta 2011 poučuje Gago.

Gaga is the movement language developed by Ohad Naharin throughout many years, parallel to his work as a choreographer and the former artistic director of Batsheva Dance Company. Gaga classes are predicated on a deep activation of the body and physical sensations. The instructions are deployed to increase awareness of and further amplify sensation, and rather than turning from one prompt to another, information is layered, building into a multisensory, physically challenging experience. While many instructions are imbued with rich imagery, the research of Gaga is fundamentally physical, insisting on a specific process of embodiment. Gaga provides a framework for strengthening the body and adding flexibility, stamina, agility, and skills including coordination and efficiency while stimulating the senses and the imagination. Gaga/dancers classes are open to professional dancers or advanced dance students ages 16+. Classes last between an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes.

Marija Slavec was born in Slovenia where she collected her first dance knowledge from Siniša Bukinac, Kristina De Ventus and Kjara Starič Wurst who profoundly shaped her as a dancer. For two years she was part of D.A.N.C.E. (European interdisciplinary professional program) under the artistic direction of Frédéric Flamand, William Forsythe, Wayne McGregor, and Angelin Preljocaj. In 2010 she joined the Batsheva Ensemble, where she danced in Naharin’s and Sharon Eyal’s creations. After that she joined Vertigo Dance Company in 2012 where she danced in pieces by Noa Wertheim, Sharon Fridman, and Anna Halprin. More recently she was a member of Tanzmainz where she got a chance to work with a variety of choreographers including Roy Assaf, Guy Nader and Maria Campos, Roni Haver and Guy Weizman, Victor Quijada and Sharon Eyal. She has been teaching Gaga since 2011

Claudia Sovre: BALET / BALLET; level ll

Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini in slovenščini. / The workshop is going to be in English and Slovenian.

BALET  II (14 – 16 let)
Claudia Sovre

Trening klasičnega baleta sestoji iz baletnih vaj pri drogu in na sredini. Na tej stopnji bo poudarek na ozaveščanju delovanja mišic plesalcev na odprti ''en dehors'' način, kar predstavlja osnovo pravilnega izvajanja baletnih korakov. To posledično omogoča napredovanje v baletni tehniki in hkrati zmanjšuje možnosti fizičnih poškodb ob tem. 
Vaje bodo zasnovane po metodiki Veganova ob uporabi varne prakse, s katero lahko baletni pedagog potek in težavnost treninga prilagaja prijavljenim kandidatom, njihovemu predznanju in telesnim predispozicijam.

Trening je primeren je za dekleta in fante od 14. let naprej, ki plešejo balet že nekaj let (5. in 6. razred baletne šole, 1. in 2. letnik srednje baletne šole). Izjemoma se v baletni klas lahko vključijo tudi starejši ali mlajši kandidati, s potrebnim baletnim predznanjem.

BALLET  II (age 14 – 16)
Claudia Sovre

Classical ballet training consists of ballet exercises at the barre and in the center. At this stage, the emphasis will be on the awareness of the dancers' muscles in an open "en dehors" manner, which is the basis of the correct execution of ballet steps. This, in turn, enables progress in ballet technique and at the same time reduces the chances of physical injuries.
The exercises will be designed according to the Vaganova methodology using safe practice, with which the ballet teacher can adjust the course and difficulty of the training to the registered candidates, their prior knowledge, and physical predispositions.

The training is suitable for girls and boys from the age of 14 who have been dancing ballet for several years (5th and 6th grade of ballet school, 1st and 2nd year of secondary ballet school). Exceptionally, older, or younger candidates, with the necessary prior knowledge of ballet, can also join the ballet class.

Claudia Sovre

Dekleta bodo pouk repertoarja začela z vajami na konicah prstov, skozi katere bodo utrjevale mišice stopal in baletno tehniko ''na špicah'', ki sestoji iz vaj pri drogu in na sredini. Nadalje bodo spoznala določene ženske variacije iz klasičnih baletov, ki jih bodo izdelovale najprej  po delih in nato povezale v solistično celoto.

Pouk je primeren za dekleta od 14. let naprej, ki obvladajo osnove plesanja na ''špicah'', pa vse do profesionalnih baletnih plesalk. Izbor in izvedba variacij bo prilagojena prijavljenim kandidatkam ter njihovemu baletnem predznanju.


Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini in slovenščini. / The workshop is going to be in English and Slovenian.

The girls will begin the repertoire lesson with exercises on points, through which they will strengthen the muscles of the feet and the ballet technique "on points", which consists of exercises at the barre and in the center. Furthermore, they will get to know certain female variations from classical ballets, which they will first make in parts and then connect them into a solo whole.

The class is suitable for girls from 14 years of age who master the basics of pointe work, up to professional ballet dancers. The selection and performance of variations will be adapted to the registered candidates and their prior ballet knowledge.

Claudia Sovre


Claudia Sovre se je rodila v Ljubljani, kjer je leta 1983 končala srednjo baletno šolo v razredu prima balerine Magde Vrhovec ter istočasno zaključila tudi Srednjo šolo za oblikovanje in Glasbeno šolo Franca Šturma, smer klavir. Svojo profesionalno plesno pot je začela 1983 v baletnem ansamblu SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana, 1986 se je za šest sezon priključila baletu HNK Zagreb, leta 1991 pa se je vrnila v ljubljanski baletni ansambel. Kmalu je dobila priložnost sodelovanja z baletnim ansamblom iz druge perspektive, zato je leta 2003 sprejela prerazporeditev na delovno mesto asistentke koreografa. Nova pozicija je vključevala tudi pedagoški vidik, vodenje vsakodnevnih baletnih treningov profesionalnim plesalcem, dejavnost, ki jo je razširila na  gostujoča poučevanja v raznih plesnih šolah ter na seminarjih v Sloveniji in tujini.

Z Društvom baletnih umetnikov Slovenije (DBUS) je v letih 2015-2016 sodelovala pri delovanju Mladega slovenskega baleta (MSB), dvoletnega projekta Ministrstva za kulturo in Evropskih socialnih skladov. Od leta 2009 se ukvarja tudi s koreografijo. Udeležila se je več tekmovanjih slovenskih koreografskih miniatur (DBUS), ustvarila dva celovečerna baleta za MSB, v ljubljanski Operi pa debitirala s koreografijo za Donizettijevo opero Ljubezenski napoj (režija K. Dolenčić). V februarju 2024 je sodelovala na 16. tekmovanju mladih slovenskih baletnih plesalcev – BALTEK kot vodja tekmovanja.

Od leta 2018 uspešno sodeluje z baletno šolo Easy Talent Academy (ETA) v  Kairu, Egipt, novembra 2023 pa je bila povabljena v Glasbeni center Črne Gore za  dvotedensko vodenje njihovega novoustanovljenega baletnega ansambla. Z obema institucijama načrtujejo nove projekte v prihodnosti. Za spletni portal Parada plesa več let prispeva avtorske članke, intervjuje in recenzije. V obdobju 2020-24 je kot članica strokovne komisije sodelovala pri vsakoletni podelitvi Prešernovih nagrad. Svoje pedagoško znanje je nadgrajevala na dodiplomskem študiju Akademije za ples  AMEU-EMC, smer Balet in diplomirala leta 2019. Trenutno zaključuje magistrski študij v smeri Plesna pedagogika v isti instituciji. Danes deluje kot samostojna pedagoginja in koreografinja doma in v tujini.

 Claudia Sovre was born in Ljubljana, where in 1983 she graduated from Ballet High School in the class of prima ballerina Magda Vrhovec, and at the same time graduated from the High School for Design and the Music School of Franc Sturm, majoring in piano. She began her professional dance career in 1983 in the ballet ensemble SNG Opera and Ballet Ljubljana, in 1986 she joined the ballet of HNK Zagreb for six seasons, and in 1991 she returned to the Ljubljana ballet ensemble. She soon got the opportunity to work with the ballet ensemble from a different perspective, so in 2003 she accepted a reassignment to the position of Assistant of the choreographer. The new position also included a pedagogical aspect, leading daily ballet training for professional dancers, an activity that she expanded to guest teaching at various dance schools and seminars in Slovenia and abroad.

In 2015-2016, she participated with the Association of Ballet Artists of Slovenia (DBUS) in the operation of the Young Slovenian Ballet (MSB), a two-year project of the Ministry of Culture and the European Social Funds. Since 2009, he has also been involved in choreography. She participated in several competitions of Slovenian choreographic miniatures (DBUS), created two full-length ballets for MSB, and debuted at the Ljubljana Opera with the choreography for Donizetti's operaL'elisir d'amore (directed by K. Dolenčić). In February 2024, she participated in the 16th competition of young Slovenian ballet dancers – BALTEK as the Leader of the competition.

Since 2018, she has been successfully cooperating with the ballet school Easy Talent Academy (ETA) in Cairo, Egypt, and in November 2023 she was invited to the Music Center of Montenegro for a two-week run of their newly founded ballet ensemble. They are planning new projects with both institutions in the future. For several years, he has contributed articles, interviews, and reviews to the online portal Parada plesa (Dance parade). In the period 2020-24, as a member of the expert committee, she participated in the annual presentation of the Preseren awards. She upgraded her pedagogical skills at the AMEU-EMC Academy of Dance, majoring in Ballet, and graduated in 2019. She is currently completing her master’s degree in dance Pedagogy at the same institution. Today, she works as an independent teacher and choreographer in Slovenia and abroad.

Milan Tomášik: POETIČNO TELO / POETIC BODY (Research cycle NEST), level lll

Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini. / The workshop is going to be in English.

Milan Tomášik

Delavnica Poetic body predstavlja edinstveno razumevanje telesa, ki je polno, prisotno, živo in aktivno.
Poetic body spodbuja sposobnost, da v celoti, strastno in z lahkoto izvedemo vsako želeno gibalno dejanje. Ponuja holistični pristop k plesu, v katerem se prepletata praksi spontanega in zastavljenega gibanja, kjer se tehnika sreča s strastjo in kjer je dobro počutje prioriteta. To se udejanji z vajami za uglasitev navzočnosti telesa v trenutku, prostoru, povezanosti s seboj in okoljem, ter z različnimi fizičnimi igrami, ki prebudijo telo in um. Poudarjena sta ritem in muzikalnost, pozornost pa je posvečena tudi artikulaciji različnih delov telesa, natančni izvedbi giba, delu s stopali, poskokom in vrtljajem. Delavnica nas bo vodila skozi raziskovanje kontrastnih lastnosti gibanja, kot je razpon telesne napetosti in odnosnost med čustvi in gibanjem.
Delavnica je namenjena profesionalnim in polprofesionalnim umetnikom na področju uprizoritvenih umetnosti z izkušnjami z improvizacijo. K prijavi je potrebno oddati življenjepis, s katerega je razvidno udejstvovanje na omenjenem področju.

Milan Tomášik (SK/SLO) je koreograf, performer, učitelj in umetniški vodja. Usposabljal se je na J. L. Bella Conservatory Banská Bystrica (SK), Akademiji za uprizoritvene umetnosti v Bratislavi (SK), Moving Academy for Performing Arts (NL) in P.A.R.T.S. (BE) pod vodstvom Anne Terese de Keersmaeker. Milan že dvajset let nastopa in sodeluje z umetniki po vsej Evropi, kot so Eva Weissmann, Iztok Kovač, Mala Kline, Maja Delak, Magdalena ReiterAndreja Rauch Podrzavnik, Charlie Brittain,  Agostina D’Alessandro in drugi. Je soustanovitelj plesnega kolektiva Les SlovaKs, s katerim je ustvaril tri dela, ki so požela mednarodni sloves. Leta 2014 je ustanovil lastno plesno skupino Milan Tomášik & Co in ustvaril tri plesne predstave, ki so bile izvedene na različnihevropskih festivalih. Milan kot pedagog gostuje po vsem svetu. Poučeval je na institucijah, kot so Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (AT), Le Centre national de dance contemporaine Angers (F), The Danish National School of Performing Arts Copenhagen (DK), Stockholm University of Arts (SE), Frankfurtska univerza za glasbo in scenske umetnosti (DE), London Contemporary Dance School (UK), B12 Berlin (DE), Deltebre dansa (ES), La Central del Circ Barcelona (ES), P.A.R.T.S. poletna šola Bruselj (BE), Akram Khan Company (UK), Ultima Vez Bruselj (BE) in CoDa21 San Juan (Portoriko), med mnogo drugim.

The workshop Poetic body offers a holistic approach to dancing, in which the practice of spontaneous and set movement is intertwined, technique meets with passion and wellbeing is priority. The emphasis is on rhythm and musicality, but the method also pays attention on articulation of the different body parts, precise execution of movement, foot work, jumps, and spins. Milan will guide you through the exploration of contrasting movement qualities such as range of body tension and together we will investigate the connection between emotion and motion.

Milan Tomášik (SK/SLO) is a choreographer, performer, teacher and artistic director working internationally in the field of dance and performing arts. His training includes J. L. Bella Conservatory Banská Bystrica (SK), the Academy of Performing Arts, Bratislava (SK), Moving Academy for Performing Arts (NL), and P.A.R.T.S. (BE), directed by Anna Teresa de Keersmaeker.
Milan has performed professionally for twenty years, collaborating with artists across Europe such as Eva Weissmann, Iztok Kovač, Mala Kline, Maja Delak, Magdalena Reiter, Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik, Charlie Brittain, Agostina D’Alessandro and others. He is co-founder of the Les SlovaKs dance collective with whom he created and performed three works that acquired international fame. In 2014 he founded his own dance company Milan Tomášik & Co and created three dance performances Hunting Season (2014), Silver Blue (2015) and Fight Bright (2018), performed on various European festivals. Milan is regularly invited as a guest teacher worldwide to deliver his signature workshops Happy Feet and Playful Presence, in 2023 fused in Poetic Body. His teaching includes Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (AT), Le Centre national de dance contemporaine Angers (F), The Danish National School of Performing Arts Copenhagen (DK), Stockholm University of the Arts (SE), London Contemporary Dance School (UK), B12 Berlin (DE), Deltebre dansa (ES), La Central del Circ Barcelona (ES), P.A.R.T.S. summer school Brussels (BE), The New Beijing (China), Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) and CoDa21 San Juan (Puerto Rico), among many others.

Renato Zanella: BALET / BALLET; level lll

Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini. / The workshop is going to be in English.

Renato Zanella

Prihaja iz Verone, kjer se je tudi začel plesno izobraževati. Šolanje je nadaljeval in zaključil v Mednarodnem plesnem centru Roselle Hightower v Cannesu. Leta 1982 se je pridružil baletnemu ansamblu v Baslu pod vodstvom Heinza Spoerlija, leta 1985 pa ansamblu Stuttgartskega baleta, kjer ga je umetniška vodja Marcia Haydée leta 1993 imenovala za rezidenčnega koreografa.

Njegova mednarodna kariera je vključevala sodelovanje z mnogimi priznanimi ansambli, kot so Nacionalni balet v Istanbulu, Balet v Monte Carlu, Švedski kraljevi balet, Berlinski baletni ansambel, Madžarski državni balet, Balet HNK, Operno gledališče v Rimu, Gledališče San Carlo v Neaplju, Balet v San Franciscu in Balet Dunajske državne opere, kjer je bil vodja in glavni koreograf od leta 1995 do 2005. Znotraj ansambla, ki ga je vodil, je ponudil priložnost mladim plesalcem-koreografom, da so se lahko tudi sami izrazili, prav tako pa je veliko pozornosti namenjal izobraževanju novih generacij baletnih plesalcev v baletni šoli Dunajske državne opere, ki jo je vodil med letoma 2001 in 2005.

Bil je ravnatelj baleta Grške nacionalne opere, baleta Arene v Veroni in Nacionalnega baleta v Bukarešti. Leta 2021 je postal umetniški direktor baletnega ansambla SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana. Od takrat SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana tesno sodeluje z Višjo baletno šolo, KGBL in redno vključuje mlade v delo baletnega ansambla.

Sebe opisuje kot radovednega umetnika, ki neprestano preizkuša novo in se srečuje z novimi talenti, kar mu daje navdih za delo.


He comes from Verona, where he also began his dance education. He continued and completed his studies at The Pôle National Supérieur de Danse (PNSD) Rosella Hightower in Cannes. In 1982 he joined the ballet ensemble in Basel under the direction of Heinz Spoerli, and in 1985 the ensemble of the Stuttgart Ballet, where artistic director Marcia Haydée appointed him choreographer-in-residence in 1993.

His international career included collaborations with many renowned ensembles such as the National Ballet of Istanbul, the Monte Carlo Ballet, the Royal Swedish Ballet, Staatsballett Berlin, the Hungarian State Ballet, the HNK Ballet, the Opera Theater in Rome, the San Carlo Theater in Naples, San Francisco Ballet and the Vienna State Ballet, where he was the director and chief choreographer from 1995 to 2005. Within the ensemble he led, he offered the opportunity to young dancer-choreographers to express themselves, and he paid a lot of attention to the education of new generations of ballet dancers at the ballet school of the Vienna State Opera, which he led between 2001 and 2005.

He was the director of the Greek National Opera Ballet, the Arena Ballet in Verona and the National Ballet in Bucharest. In 2021, he became the artistic director of the SNG Opera and Ballet Ljubljana ballet ensemble. Since then, SNG Opera and Ballet Ljubljana works closely with the Ballet College, KGBL, and regularly involves young people in the work of the ballet ensemble.

He describes himself as a curious artist who constantly tries new things and meets new talents, which gives him inspiration for his work.

BALET  III (16+)

Nadaljevalni baletni klas je primeren za fante in dekleta od 16. leta dalje (3. in 4. letnik srednje baletne šole in profesionalne baletne plesalce). Namenjen je tistim, ki želijo svoje znanje nadgraditi in izpopolniti. Ta intenzivni program se osredotoča na obvladovanje telesa, koordinacijo in natančno delo nog in stopal, kar je bistveno za doseganje tehnične odličnosti v baletu. Baletni klas se bo posvečal vajam pri drogu, vajam na sredini in delu na špicah. Cilj je, da udeleženci izboljšajo njihovo natančnost in umetnost. Delavnico vodi izkušen pedagog in koreograf, Renato Zanella, ki nudi prilagojene povratne informacije, kar vsakemu plesalcu pomaga doseči svoj polni potencial.
Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini.

Advanced ballet class is suitable for boys and girl aged 16 and above (3rd and 4th year of secondary ballet school and professional ballet dancers). It is designed for those who wish to upgrade and refine their skills. This intensive program focuses on mastering body alignment,coordination, and footwork, essential for achieving technical excellence in ballet. Participants will engage in rigorous training, including barre work, center exercises and pointe shoes work, all aimed at enhancing their precision and artistry. Led by an experienced instructor, Renato Zanella, the workshop offers personalized feedback and guidance to help each dancer reach their full potential.
The workshop will be in English.


Izboljšajte svojo umetniško izraznost v koreografski delavnici za fante in dekleta od 16. leta dalje, ki je prilagojena tistim, ki že obvladajo svojo baletno tehniko, vključno s profesionalnimi plesalci. Ta dinamični program je zasnovan tako, da izzove vaš ustvarjalni in izrazni potencial skozi različne individualne in skupinske naloge. Udeleženci bodo raziskovali inovativne pristope k gibanju in kompoziciji, s čimer bodo izboljšali svojo sposobnost ustvarjanja izvirnih koreografskih del.
Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini.

Elevate your artistry in our choreography workshop for boys and girls aged 16 and above, tailord for those who have already mastered their ballet technique, including professional dancers. This dynamic program is designed to challange your creative and expressive potential through variety of individual and group tasks. Participants will explore innovative approaches to movement and composition, enhancing their ability to create original choreographic works.
The workshop will be in English.

Katjuša & Nikola: NINJABILITY: level II

Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini in slovenščini. / The workshop is going to be in English and Slovenian.

Katjuša & Nikola

Dinamične akrobatske elemente bomo povezovali s plesnimi tehnikami v neskončno potovanje spirale našega gibalnega sistema. Inspiracijo za to temo črpava iz svojega znanja sodobnega plesa, Capoeire, akrobatike in cirkusa; na delavnici se boste naučili kako ustvarite svojstven in tekoč flow iz naučenih gibalnih principov, akrobacij in plesnega besednjaka, ki ga že utelešate. 
Segmenti delavnice: - gibanje na vseh štirih (variacije); - tranzicije: obrati, skoki, padci; - talne tehnike: prevali, povaljke, plazenje, plesni roli; - dinamična akrobatika: kolo (variacije), monkey flip/macaco, butterly skok; - spiralni obrat na rokah

Katjuša Kovačič (SI) je svobodna umetnica, aktivna na področju uprizoritvenih umetnosti in pedagogike. Že od otroštva se ukvarja s sodobnim plesom, kasneje tudi  z improviziranim in fizičnim gledališčem. Od leta 2004 je aktivna v uličnem gledališču in cirkusu; diplomirala je na enoletnem intenzivnem programu na Pekinški mednarodni umetniški šoli – oddelek za akrobatiko; in dvoletna šola uličnega gledališča Šugla. Od leta 2006 trenira, poučuje in ustvarja predstave z brazilsko veščino Capoeira. Svoje znanje in izkušnje je združila v edinstven telesni izraz, ki ga skupaj z Oreškovićem deli preko programa Fluid Balance.

Nikola Orešković (HR) je izkušen trener in vsestranski performer. Aktiven je na področju hand-balancing-a, cirkusa, gimnastike in sodobnega plesa. So-ustanovitelj prve hrvaške demo ekipe tricking-a "X-OUT", v 14 letih ukvarjanja s taekwondojem je pridobil črni pas 3. Dan. V brazilski veščini Capoeira je aktiven od leta 2002 – organizira dogodke in poučuje odrasle in otroke. Od leta 2005 dela kot filmski kaskader (Game of Thrones, Hitman’s wife’s bodyguard) . Pri oblikovanju programa Fluid Balance uporablja ključne elemente različnih veščin, da svojim učencem na širok in razumljiv način prenaša gibalne tehnike. 

We will connect dynamic acrobatic elements with dance techniques in the endless journey of the spiral of our movement system. We draw inspiration for this theme from our knowledge of contemporary dance, capoeira, acrobatics and circus; at the workshop, you will learn how to create a unique and fluid flow from learned movement principles, acrobatics and dance vocabulary that you already embody. Workshop segments: - movement on all fours (variations); - transitions: turns, jumps, falls; - floor techniques: rolls, crawling, dance rolls; - dynamic acrobatics: wheel (variations), monkey flip/macaco, butterfly jump; - spiral turn on the hands

Katjuša Kovačič (SI) is a freelance artist, active in the field of performing arts and pedagogy. She started with contemporary dance and later joined improvisation & physical theatre. She has been active in street theatre and circus since 2004; she graduated from the one-year intensive program at Beijing International Art School – department of acrobatics; and the two-year Šugla street theatre school. She has been training, teaching and creating performances with  Capoeira since 2006. She fused her knowledge and experience into a unique body expression which she shares through the Fluid Balance program. 

Nikola Orešković (HR) is an experienced coach and versatile performer. He is active in the fields of hand balancing, circus, gymnastics and contemporary dance. Co-founding member of the first Croatian Martial Arts Tricks demo team "X-OUT". In the 14 years of doing taekwondo, he acquired the third-dan black belt.  He has been active in Capoeira since 2002 – teaching adults, children and people with disabilities. Since 2005 he works as a stuntman (Game of Thrones, Hitman’s wife’s bodyguard). . When designing the Fluid Balance program, he used key elements of these various skills to pass movements to his students in a wide and understandable way. 

KAJA LOMOVŠEK-baletna korepetitorka

Kaja Lomovšek

Kaja Lomovšek je zaključila študij klavirja na Akademiji za glasbo Ljubljana in diplomirala iz glasbene terapije na Inštitutu Knoll v Kranju. Za korepetitorski stol je prvič sedla pred 37-imi leti, ko so jo iz baletnega oddelka takratne SGBŠ Ljubljana kot študentko povabili k sodelovanju. Interakcija med plesom in glasbo jo je tako pritegnila, da se je z vsem svojim srcem predala temu čudovitemu poklicu, v katerem je ostala vse do danes. Ker je bil pojem korepetitorja v tistem času še prava neznanka, nabor klavirske literature za balet pa zelo skromen, je baletne korake pričela spremljati z improvizacijami, skozi katere je odkrivala raznolike stile in načine igranja, ki so plesalčev gib v čim boljši meri podprli.
Skozi leta se je izoblikovala v izkušeno in odlično plesno korepetitorico – improvizatorko, ne samo klasičnega baleta, temveč tudi sodobnih plesnih tehnik.
Sodelovala je z več kot 40 domačimi in tujimi plesnimi pedagogi, med drugim Nanette Glushac (Toulouse Ballet Company), Elena Albano (Aconcoli Dance Milano), Teresse Capucilli (The Julliard School New York), Virginie Mécène (Martha Grahm School New York) in igrala profesionalnim plesnim ansamblom, med drugim plesalcem SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana, HNK Split, Cullberg Ballet Company (Švedska), Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company (Izrael), Michael Mao Dance Company (New York).
Kljub dolgoletnim izkušnjam se kot korepetitorka še vedno izpopolnjuje in udeležuje poletnih baletnih seminarjev tako doma kot v tujini.

LYUDMYLA RUBLYOVA ŠEMRL-baletna korepetitorka

Lyudmyla Rublyova Šemrl

Lyudmyla Rublyova Šemrl se je rodila v malem obmorskem mestu Berdynsk v Ukrajini. Svoje glasbeno izobraževanje je pričela vzporedno s poukom klasičnega baleta, kasneje pa se je odločila za glasbeno pot kot pianistka, vendar ji je baletna dvorana za vedno pustila svoj čarobni pečat.
Srednjo glasbeno šolo je končala v Zaporožju, diplomirala je na Harkovski državni akademiji za umetnost I. P. Kotlarevski pri svetovno znani profesorici Nini Kazimirovi.
V Sloveniji živi od leta 2001 in je svojo strokovno pot nadaljevala na podiplomskem študiju na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani, ki jo je končala v razredu prof. Tatjaei Ognjanovič leta 2006.
Od leta 2008 je zaposlena na Konservatoriju za glasbo in balet v Ljubljani kot profesorica klavirja in baletna korepetitorka. Tako po dolgih letih v baletni dvorani ponovno združuje pianistične možnosti in izraznost plesnega giba.
Poleg rednega dela svoje znanje nadgrajuje v sodelovanju z različnimi domačimi in tujimi baletnimi pedagogi KGBL-ja, SNG Opere in balet Ljubljana ter na seminarjih združenja EPTA, katere članica je.






