Festival plesne ustvarjalnosti ŽIVA ponuja program plesnih miniatur in predstav izbranih plesnih skupin in posameznic/posameznikov iz vse Slovenije ter goste iz tujine. V treh festivalskih dneh se bo letos predstavilo 440 plesalk in plesalcev ter njihovih neprecenljivih plesnih učiteljev - mentorjev.
Letošnja ŽIVA gradi most med različnimi generacijami in spodbuja njihovo sodelovanje in čudovito ter nujno izmenjavo. Predvsem pa povezanost.
Mladi plesalci lahko veliko pridobijo, če se učijo iz plesne zgodovine. Ples se tako kot vse druge oblike umetnosti razvija in njegove korenine so globoko zasidrane v njem. S spoznavanjem plesnih del iz preteklosti lahko mladi razumejo temelje giba, filozofije in različnih pristopov, ki so oblikovali današnji plesni svet.
Starejši plesalci, katerih telesa nosijo milino izkušenj in modrost, lahko mladim plesalcem nudijo napotke, kako se v celoti vživeti v svoje gibe. Kot je Živa Kraigher (po kateri se imenuje naš festival) govorila svojim učenkam: »Navznot se obrni.«, »Pejt ven iz svoje kože.«, »Neusmiljeno raziskuj resnico.«, »Išči lastno pot.«. Te njene besede še danes živijo in odzvanjajo v poučevanjih slovenskih plesnih pedagogov.
PREBUJANJE, POVEZAVANJE, PLEPLATANJE, VALOVANJE in SOPLESANJE so naslovi posameznih sklopov plesnih miniatur, ki sporočajo, da se ples razvija in hkrati spoštuje svojo preteklost. Mladi plesalci na festivalu pridobijo izkušnjo, z zavedanjem plesne zapuščine pa so hkrati ustvarjalci sedanjosti in prihodnosti.
Poleg petih programov plesnih miniatur bo festival ponudil še tri predstave. Predstava ONO preizprašuje negotovo prihodnost, predstavi I-OPEN in OKAMENELA pa črpata iz preteklosti, iz ljudskih pripovedk. Predstava I-OPEN je bila ustvarjena za otvoritev svetovne konference daCi z naslovom I-BODY, I-DANCE, kjer »I« poudarja bistvo sodobne plesne ustvarjalnosti - improvizacijo, imaginacijo, inteligenco, inkluzivnost, interdisciplinarnost, identiteto.
Film mlade plesalke, koreografinje in filmske režiserke Enye Belak se potopi v zgodovino pionirske plesne mreže Aerowaves ter osvetljuje njeno edinstveno vlogo pri razvoju sodobnega evropskega plesa. S filmom Enya želi mladim ustvarjalcem ponuditi iskrico upanja in jim pokazati, da je vedno mogoče iti naprej in vstopiti tudi v mednarodni plesni prostor.
V programu festivala bosta še dva pogovora. Ann Papoulis v sebi poleg lastne prakse nosi bogato preteklost, saj je delala z legendarnim Merceom Cunninghamom. Čas, ki ga je Ann preživela pri Cunninghamu, je oblikoval njeno razumevanje gibanja, prostora in odnosa med plesom in glasbo. Ann se zadnjih dvajset let posveča domišljiji, za katero pravi, da je koreograf plesa življenja.
TrdoŽIVA Jasna - Jasna Knez, učenka Žive Kraigher, pleše skozi življenje in živi ples. Pravi, da je o plesni dediščini fajn imeti malo pojma in kaj vedenja o njej. Z Jasno se bo pogovarjala mlada plesalka in študentka dramaturgije Hana Obreza in skozi glas mladih preizprašala Jasno o Živi, o uporu, moči plesa in kako te ples oblikuje kot človeka.
Naj misli preteklosti prebudijo, povežejo, prepletejo, zavalovijo in zaplešejo v bodočnost! (Z)NOVA in (Z)NOVA in (Z)NOVA!
Mojca Kasjak, Nina Meško
The festival of dance creativity ŽIVA offers a programme of dance miniatures and performances by selected dance groups and individuals from all over Slovenia, as well as guests from abroad. This year, 440 dancers and their invaluable dance teachers - mentors - will perform during the three days of the festival.
This year's ŽIVA builds a bridge between different generations and encourages their collaboration and wonderful and necessary exchange. And above all, togetherness.
Young dancers have much to gain from learning from dance history. Dance, like all other art forms, evolves and its roots are deeply rooted. By learning about dance works from the past, young people can understand the foundations of movement, philosophy and the different approaches that have shaped today's dance world.
Older dancers, whose bodies carry the grace of experience and wisdom, can offer young dancers guidance on how to fully inhabit their movements. As Ziva Kraigher (after whom our festival is named) used to tell her students, "Turn into yourselg", "Get out of your own skin", "Relentlessly explore the truth", "Find your own way". These words of hers still live and resonate in the teaching of Slovenian dance teachers.
AWAKEING, CONNECTING, INTERWEAVING, WAVING and BONDING are the titles of the programmes of dance miniatures, which convey the message that dance is evolving and at the same time respecting its past. Young dancers gain experience at the festival, and by being aware of their dance legacy, they are at the same time creators of the present and the future.
In addition to five programmes of dance miniatures, the festival will offer three more performances. IT questions an uncertain future, while I-OPEN and PETRIFIED draw on the past, on folk tales. I-OPEN was created for the opening of the daCi World Conference I-BODY, I-DANCE, where the "I" emphasises the essence of contemporary dance creativity - improvisation, imagination, intelligence, inclusivity, interdisciplinarity, identity.
The film by young dancer, choreographer and film director Enya Belak delves into the history of the pioneering dance network Aerowaves and sheds light on its unique role in the development of contemporary European dance. Enya's film aims to offer a glimmer of hope to young creatives and show them that it is always possible to go further and enter the international dance space.
The festival programme will also include two talks. Ann Papoulis has a rich past working with the legendary Merce Cunningham, in addition to her own practice. Ann's time with Cunningham has shaped her understanding of movement, space and the relationship between dance and music. For the past twenty years Ann has been focusing on imagination, which she describes as the choreographer of the dance of life.
Jasna Knez, a student of Živa Kraigher, dances through life and lives dance. She says that it is nice to have a little idea about dance heritage and to know something about it. Young dancer and dramaturgy student Hana Obreza will talk to Jasna and through the voice of youth, will question her about Ziva, about rebellion, the power of dance and how dance shapes you as a person.
Let the thoughts of the past awake, connect, intertwine, wrap and dance into the future!
Mojca Kasjak, Nina Meško
Organizator / Organiser:
Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti / Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities (JSKD)
in / and
Območna izpostava JSKD Ljubljana / JSKD Ljubljana, regional office
Umetniška vodja / Artistic Director: Nina Meško
Državna selektorica / National Selector: Mojca Kasjak
Regijski selektorji / Regional selectors: Tina Valentan, Aja Zupanec, Andreja Kopač, Ajda Tomazin, Snježana Premuš, Leja Jurišič
Vizualna podoba festivala / Design by: Ajda Tomazin
Povezovalec programa / Moderator: Daniel Petković
Fotografinja festivala / Festival photographer: Anka Simončič
Prizorišče / Venue: Španski Borci, Zaloška 61, Ljubljana
Prodaja vstopnic / Tickets: Blagajna Španski borci, Zaloška 61, Ljubljana (eno uro pred predstavo); otvoritev je brezplačna, festivalska vstopnica (neomejeno število predstav): 10 EUR (otroci brezplačno, dijaki, študentje in upokojenci 50% popust: 5 EUR)
Kontakt & informacije / Contact & info:
JSKD – Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti, Štefanova 5, 1000 Ljubljana; T: +386.1.24 10 522; M: +386.51.327 575; E: nina.mesko@jskd.si; W: www.jskd.si
